In the main the success of a technological startup is dependent on two factors: the creativeness of its invention and the marketing of the same. The Patent Voucher is a support of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and provides simple access to protection of your invention. shows you step-by-step how to obtain this voucher. The voucher covers 80% of a patent application’s accruing costs. Additionally, you receive the assistance of a team of experts. This saves both time and money and enables you to gain confidence in dealing with your intellectual property. The team of experts provides concrete answers to such questions as: is patent protection principally feasible in my case or what protection rights already exist in a particular technological field? In short, the Patent Voucher supplies the necessary tools for entering the national and international markets.
You must either be an Austrian technological startup, a small or medium-sized enterprise or an individual that can credibly demonstrate a concrete intention to commercially utilize the undertaking (e.g. company being established, under care of diverse support initiatives, AplusB-Centers) In any case, the commercial aspects and activities must predominate.
The invention must not have been published yet - even a sale counts as publication.
Regarding small to medium-sized enterprises: these must have a staff of less than 250 employees and an annual turnover of no more than EUR 50 million resp. the sum of the annual budget must not exceed EUR 43 million.
More details about the patent application and the procedure can be found in our WIKI & FAQs or at the info sheets.
As this is a service governed by private law our terms and conditions of conducting business according to obtain.