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Why protection?

An innovation is a valuable asset. Whoever had and developed the idea should be the one to benefit from it.”

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Every Innovation starts with an idea. First it‘s a thought under the shower or just before you fall asleep. Then it’s getting bigger and you just can’t let it go. You scribble it down, develop it on your computer or even in a lab. It turns out to be hard work. But you are happy to see your idea turn into an innovation. You think now, it’s time to market this innovation.

And here is your dilemma. Because your innovation is a precious good. And you want people to know about it. But you don’t want people to copy it.

Here we join the game. The Austrian Patent Office protects technical Innovations, Trademarks and Designs from unauthorised use.

With FAST TRACK for example. Our superfast Registration for Trademarks. Or with PRIO – the provisional Patent-Application for Start-Ups. But, we can only help you solve this dilemma if you come see us first and make your innovation public later. With protection from the Austrian Patent Office you own the exclusive right to use your innovation.

Therefore always a good idea: Come see us, before you go public.

We are here for you!

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