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I know what you are dreaming about

Do you prefer the mountains or the beach? Oysters and champagne, or would you rather hava a meal cooked on a camping stove? Dr Guger from g.tec can make your unspoken preferences and dreams come to life. This is made possible by his patented brain-computer interface, which monitors, analyses and evaluates brain activity very closely. " In some tests, participants don't even want to know the end result", he says. Understandable. Because if the photo of your own mother ranks way ahead of the one of your partner, it's not exactly conducive to good conversation at the breakfast table.

It may sound like a gimmick, but it does have a serious background. By usind the computer-brain interface, stroke patients can move their fingers again, control protheses and most importantly, communicate. "It ist exceptionally good at identifying the sentences you are thinking", says Guger. But as he explains, it only works with an implant. It does not work with the electrode hood.

And dreaming? g.tec can identify 18 different forms in a dream, even if you don't remember them yourself. The brain-computer interface can safely say: you hat that forest dream again. Guger does not believe that it will ever be possible to download dreams from the cloud to dream them, but the prospect of a dreamless night is not too far-fetched, in his opinion. "The supression of depressive thoughts always seems to work well", says Guger.

However, a brain-computer interface like this can not only "read" it can also "write". This means that it can influence our perception. For example, it can create a deja-vu experience, or make faces appear like ghosts in front of our eyes. In another experiment, faces are distorted. So it's not for the faint-hearted. But Christoph Guger, non of htis is crucial. "Essentially, it is about identifying the important areas of the brain and their function, so that they are not accidentally removed during surgery", he emphasizes.

Guger does not believe that we will all have a brain-computer interface one day. He also thinks that the frequently mentioned application of replacing passwords with thoughts is impractical - although it would be possible, of course. Brain-computer interfaces will probably be as widespread as VR goggles. And just like VR goggles, the electrode hood will add something special to the gaming experience for gamers. That is to say, their own subconscious will be an integral part of the game. So it may well be that my boss is a tarantula, and your boss is a phantom.

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